The original web site
Here lies the things I've been tinkering with over the years. This rather old website was lost for a while, but it's permanently back now (Jan 2025) at this address. You might also find more tinkerings on my github page.
A ruby gem to find the size or type of an image given its uri by fetching as little as needed. Source code is here, and on rubygems here.
P (Objective C)
Log any type in objective c with a single function call. Source code.
I stopped development of TotalSpaces ("The ultimate grid spaces manager for your Mac") after it became too difficult to inject code into, and the work-arounds that I found did not work well enough for a production quality product. The web page remains here and the latest TS3 beta is here which used to work to some extent on Apple Silicon macs. No longer supported in any way.IOCCC
- Winning entry in the 2004 IOCCC
- Winning entry in the 2005 IOCCC (non-winning entry is there too)
- Winning entries in the 2006 IOCCC
Picture book
Esoteric Programming Stuff
- The ETA C compiler project
- ETA for the Palm Pilot
- Ruby ETA interpreter
- Clojure ETA interpreter
- ETA beautifier
- ETA builder
- ETA to music converter
- Sample programs
- Befunge to ETA converter
- Optimising ETA interpreter in C
- World's smallest ETA interpreter
- An ETA quine
- The thETA language. ThETA is an enhanced ETA that supports threads.
- Ruby BrainF*ck interpreter
- The Choon language